Saturday, April 9, 2011

Review - Landshire Double Charbroil & Cheese Food Thing

My buddy Dan bought this at Wal-Mart, and well, this thing is just about as bad as you probably think it is:

It's probably not very good for you either:

"Two charbroiled Beef Patties with American and Swiss Cheese on a fresh-baked Sesame Seed Bun."

Yeah. Well, the main ingredient in the patties IS beef. The cheeses, OK, it has cheese in it, but it's about half water. And the bun came straight out of an old school cafeteria. The result is, that if prepared per the bag, you get a soggy nasty bun, cheese that has basically evaporated away to nothing, and a warm meat-ish patty, all of which supplies you with a measly 42% of your daily salt allowance and 52% of your fat.

If you got to choke one of these things down for some reason:

1) nuke only the meat-ish patty
2) toast the buns
3) assemble sandwich, including condiments (lots of condiments) and cold cheese
4) lots of beverage to wash it down

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